The Best 4-Letter Word Ev-ver: SOLD!!!!

Super Agent Lisa Grubka and I went out on submission for my YA Contemporary, WHERE THE WATER FALLS, on May 1st / my birthday -- believing this would bring all the good publishing ju-ju in the world. And you know what? It didn't fail because...


And if that didn't make it official, here's the announcement in Publishers Marketplace:

May 27, 2014
Children's: Young Adult

Erin Schneider's debut WHERE THE WATER FALLS, about a girl who discovers her boyfriend and best friend's ultimate betrayal just before leaving to spend the summer in Hawaii; while nursing a broken heart, she meets a boy who is equally troubled, but just might be the key to learning how to forgive - and live, to Lisa Yoskowitz at Disney-Hyperion, for publication in Spring 2016, by Lisa Grubka at Fletcher & Company (World English).

I can't tell you how excited I am right now!!! Like three exclamation points to end every single sentence excited!!!

Because Super Agent Lisa sold my book to Disney-Hyperion!!!

Disney-Hyperion, PEOPLE!!!

Everything happened so fast - 17 days from start to finish - I think my head is still spinning!!! And can I tell you how hard it was to sit on this news for the past week? Because really, they shouldn't do that to debut authors!!! They really shouldn't!!!

And now I get to work with Awesome Editor Lisa Yoskowitz, Senior Editor with Disney-Hyperion!!! I've seen Lisa's name in the acknowledgments of some of my absolute favorite novels: IF I STAY by Gayle Forman, Ally Carter's PERFECT SCOUNDRELS, and John Green's PAPER TOWNS -- not to mention, she also happens to be the amazing editor of Tess Sharpe's debut, FAR FROM YOU!!!

How cool is it that I don't have just one a-mazing Lisa in my publishing corner, but now I have TWO!!!!! Ever since I signed with my agent, I dubbed her Super Agent Lisa -- and now I have Awesome Editor Lisa on the team as well!!! You'd think I'd be running out of adjectives here, but really, there's no possible way

I am so happy to get to share this news. I'm so thankful to Super Agent Lisa for being the BEST AGENT EV-VER. I'm thrilled that Awesome Editor Lisa - along with her amazing assistant, Julie Moody (who just so happens to be from Hawaii and went to the H.S. that's in my novel!!!) along with everyone else at Disney-Hyperion - took the time to read my story and fall in love with it...and then buy it!!! 

Wow. Just, wow. After six long years of dreaming, I finally get to say my book will be out in book stores in Spring 2016. And there's just no amount of exclamation points that could be added to that to really do it justice.