Welcome to the World, SUMMER OF SLOANE!

After more than eight long years, a couple hundred rejection letters, two agents, two editors, and too many sleepless nights to count, I cannot believe SUMMER OF SLOANE is finally here.

This truly has been one of the most surreal moments in my life and sometimes I can't believe I actually wrote a real book.

But before I break down into a blubbering mess, I'd just like to say thank you to all of my CP's, every single blogger, librarian, book seller, and all of my friends - both new and old - that have tagged along for this crazy ride -- your support means the world to me.

And in the off chance anyone would like to purchase an autographed copy of SLOANE, University Bookstore here in Seattle has them available to order and ready to ship worldwide! For more information, please go here.

Welcome to the world, SUMMER OF SLOANE -- I'm so happy you're finally here!

YA Buccaneers: Spring Writing Bootcamp Check-In

Since the beginning of April, we've been busy over at the YA Buccaneers, hosting our 2nd annual Spring Writing Bootcamp!

Which has been perfect timing, because I've been crazy busy with revisions for my editor, since February -- and with my looming deadline of 4/17, I knew I'd need a little motivation to make that final push to finish.

And finish I did!

I'm beyond ecstatic to get through this first round of heavy edits. A lot was discussed up front on how to make WTWF the best it could be and I love the direction we settled on. In the end, I cut a lot of the muck and am really happy with where my MS is at now. Granted, there's still a lot of work ahead, but that first initial sweep is done, done, and DONE!

Next steps: I expect to have round 2 of editorial notes somewhere around next Friday, 5/1 and then it'll be back to the revision cave.

I also found out my expected publishing date (if everything stays on track) will be:

May 3, 2016!!!

May is such a good month for me, from my birthday, to when I sold my book last year -- so I couldn't be happier with a 5/3/16 pub date!

I've also heard that cover options should be ready to see sometime soon...and I can't wait!!! Whenever that happens, I'll announce the cover reveal information as soon as I can.

Until then, I'm busy reading an ARC of fellow Mouse-House author, Marci Lyn Curtis, THE ONE THING!

Guys, this book is so much fun and Marci's snark is AWESOME! I can't wait for this to come out on September 8th!

What else am I busy with? Well, some of you may know I'm expecting...and Baby Boy is due the first week of August! My husband and I are BEYOND excited and I can't wait to meet the Lil' Putter!

I've been working on the nursery and now that I'm sans edits for a couple of weeks, I'll be able to get a lot of it done! Our theme is Monkeys / Jungle and I'll be busy this week getting the walls done.

So with that, week 3 of our Spring Writing Bootcamp is complete and I successfully scratched off a big goal! 

Spring Writing Bootcamp Goals:

  1. Finish first round of edits for Disney-Hyperion -- Due date: Friday, April 17th.
  2. Finish second round of edits for DH -- Due date: TBD.
  3. Read ARC of THE ONE THING by Marci Lyn Curtis
  4. Read / critique new MS for fellow CP (still waiting for the updated version to start)
  5. Work on new WIP (Read / revise current chapters): NOTG
  6. Plot new WIP: WITNESS
  7. Non-writerly stuff: Work on nursery!

If you're joining us this year for Bootcamp, I hope you've been making great progress in your writing goals -- and I'd love to hear all about them!

It's Time For #8TerribleTitles!

What is #8TerribleTitles you might ask? Well it's a blog hop that all started when fellow Sweet Sixteen's debut author, Kathy MacMillan - and the rest of us Sixteen admins - had a funny conversation around book titles...which resulted in some pretty hilarious conversations.

Now I've been tagged by fellow Sweet Sixteen debut author, Kali Wallace to share my own #8TerribleTitles.

The rules are simple:

Scroll through your manuscript without looking and stop at a random place. Look at where your cursor lands and select the phrase it’s on -- this is title #1. Repeat this seven more times for a total of #8TerribleTitles. 

And here are my titles from my 2016 debut, WHERE THE WATER FALLS:


And because a blog hop is like herpes, the gift that keeps on giving -- I've tagged the following Sweet Sixteen's to share their #8TerribleTitles: Jenny Moyer, Ashley Herring Blake, and Kiersi Burkhart!

Spring Writing Bootcamp: Survivor!!!

Wow, how crazy have the last three months been? So many goals, so many new writer friends, so. much. awesome!

I'm very proud of everyone who participated in this year's Spring Writing Bootcamp, particularly my teammates on Team Rainier -- we not only set fantastic goals for ourselves, but we knocked them right out of the park!

Don't believe me? Well you should...

Because we participated in mad Word Sprints, shouted BINGO across the Twit-o-sphere, typed thousands of USABLE words, started new WIPS, finished whole manuscripts, readied edits for the eyes of our CP's, found a new CP or two, released a-mazing new book covers, went out on submission, and yes, I even managed to sell my own debut YA Contemporary to Disney-Hyperion!

I'd say we accomplished quite a bit! 

So now you want your own badge to show off for surviving bootcamp? Well stop on by the YA Buccaneers to pick one up! And definitely don't forget to tweet your achievements using #YABbootcampWIN -- we've got all kinds of fantastic prizes up for grabs!!! 

So much in just three months. Imagine what we could do with more time?

Oooohhhhhhhhh. *imagines BIG* *imagines GIGANTIC!*

Which of course leads me right into what's on the horizon over at The YA Buccaneers: We'll be doing some fun things over the next three months - including the celebration of our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY in July!!! Can you believe it's almost been one year already? But all that's only the beginning, because we have something EXTRA CRAZY AWESOME planned for the Fall -- believe me, you'll want to check back to see what we've got on deck! 

Congrats to everyone on all the awesomeness that you achieved! And way to go TEAM RAINIER for being the best. team. ev-ver!!!

Thanks so much to everyone who buckled down and wrote on!