What's Your Writing Goal?
I recently joined a fabulous on-line writers group: The Write Brained Network, which I'm absolutely loving! Every month, they start a new discussion called WordWatcher's, where anyone who wants to participate, sets a writing goal - be it number of words for the month, by week, day, amount of time, etc. - it doesn't matter how you measure it, only that you do in some way and that you actually try to obtain it. Last month, I started to do this on my own (it was before I'd joined the WB Network). And it wasn't about cramming to get as many words on the page - but instead, it was all about working towards a realistic goal of getting quality words into my WIP (work in progress, for those that might not be aware of that acronym). Setting a goal, striving for it, then finally achieving it - it equates to the same feeling of finally checking off one of your "To-Do's" on the long list of To-Do's (for all of you "list" people, you know exactly what I'm talking about...and I know you're out there!). Besides, who would I be, if I didn't compete against myself? Week of 8.1 - 8.8: 4,548 Either way, I blew my writing goal out of the water...in fact, I pretty much quadrupled it. Considering the huge success August was for me - what is a realistic goal to set for September, you might ask? And with that, I ask you - what's your writing goal for September? What are you going to attempt to achieve this month - and how will you do it? Come on, I know you're thinking about it! I'll post my updates every week, as I go: 9.1 - 9.7: 4,926 - 5,074 short of my weekly 10k goal...but I'll make it up before the end of the month! Are you ready?
So, with that - here are my stats for August:
Week of 8.9 - 8.15: 6,091
Week of 8.16 - 8.22: 15,849 (12,877 completed just between that Saturday, to Sunday night)
Week of 8.23 - 8.29: 8,617
Now granted, the third week of August was something of a phenomenon for me - especially to hit almost 13k in just TWO days! But who am I to argue with my muse, when she finally decides to pop in for a visit? Truly, this is something that's only happened three times this year...to be able to write without wanting to stop. Not even wanting to get up for food - and having to be reminded by my fabulous critique partner, to not forget my day to day job of living (and yes, a BIG thank you to Heidi - my CP - for sending email reminders to actually pry my fingers away from the computer every once in awhile!). It was the thought that I'd become one of "those writers"that finally got me up - well that, and I really had to use the restroom!
9.8 - 9.14:
9.15 - 9.21: