
My NaNoWriMo Challenge...And A Torn Calf Muscle, To Boot!


I have a walking cast and crutches, I'd like to personally thank - but more on that, below.


2010 brought with it, my first attempt at the NaNoWriMo challenge. For those of you who don't know what that incredibly long acronym stands for - it's the National Novel Writing Month competition - where writers from around the world, are challenged to write 50,000 words, during the thirty days of November.


That's right - a 50,000 word novel, in just 30 days.



That's what I first thought, when I set out to take this challenge head on. It didn't help, that I entered into the contest, having just spent almost 9 weeks with the most amazing bout of writer's block, I'd ever experienced in the four plus years I've been writing.

And so I sat for the first few days, staring at a blank page on my computer screen. Waiting. Hoping. And downright pleading that some form of inspiration would strike.

But it didn't.

For the entire first week of the month, I sat there and was unable to type more than a few words here and there. I wasn't able to blog, tweet, or really even draft up a legible email. And to make matters worse, I'd severely torn my calf muscle at one of my CrossFit workouts that same week - and was house bound with one of the most beautiful walking boots, that would make even Christian Louboutin jealous...and let's not forget, the lovely matching crutches (should I mention they were kids crutches? Yeah, evidently the adult ones, were too tall for me).

Seriously - nothing like striking a women, while she's already down.

Sleeping with my foot propped up on a bunch of pillows - it suddenly hit me. Okay, maybe being blindsided in my sleep, at 2:45am one Tuesday morning, is a better way to put it.

I immediately jumped out of bed - practically launching the cat who'd fallen asleep on my foot, across the room - and hobbled as fast as I could, to my computer. And I started writing. And writing...and I wrote, until I heard my alarm go off for me to get ready for work that day (which completely sucked, by the way).

But who was I to complain? I was finally writing again - and chalked up over 5,000 words that night alone.


And two and half weeks later, I crossed the finish line, with 52,770 words - almost 3k more than the goal, and two days ahead of the deadline.


And the best part is? I'm still going! In fact, I think I'll be finished with my entire first draft, in the next week or so - which just blows me away. Especially considering where I was, just three weeks ago.

So in the end, I owe a big thanks to my lovely walking boot and crutches.

Because of them, I was forced to sit down and put fingers to keyboard.

And because of them I have an almost completed WIP.

Thanks, NaNoWriMo for the awesome challenge! I look forward to next November, when we meet again.

Here's hoping I won't need to severely injure myself, to kick my muse into gear.

Where, Oh Where, Has My Little Muse Gone?


Suffice to say, I've been pretty non-existent on all of my social media sites lately - Twitter, Blogger, QueryTracker, etc. I seem to have written myself into a corner and allowed my muse to take a quasi-permanent hiatus...that, or when I returned from my vacation from Maui last week, my muse decided not to come home with me (wouldn't blame her there, as Maui is a much better place than Seattle, right now).


I simply cannot write. I turn on my computer and just stare at it...waiting. And waiting. Yup...still waiting. Waiting for some type of inspiration to strike, something to get my creative juices flowing again...something, anything...but there simply is nothing.

Now I've heard this happens and I'm pretty sure it's normal...however, after four plus years of writing, this is the first time I've been at such a loss, for so long. As of today, it's been 6.5 weeks since I've written more than 150 words. And in my book, that's pretty pa-thetic.

I'm not quite sure what the reasoning is, behind my lack of could be that I received two rejections from my top two agents on my current manuscript, within the last month. The first one was from Writer's House...they've had my full since May and the response - while I'm so grateful was personal - was nonetheless, a rejection...even though she was "on the fence". The other was from Laura Rennert (she reps Jay Asher - THIRTEEN REASONS WHY and Maggie Stiefvater - SHIVER series), who was definitely a personal fav. for me, without question. And while I get rejection comes with the territory, it still doesn't make it any easier.

So, what to do? I've been reading - currently, I'm enjoying THE BOOK THIEF, by Markus Zusak...outlining my potential attempt for NaNoWriMo (which at this point, seems absolutely crazy...because I'm thinking if I'm going to be writing, it should be for my current WIP...but we shall see)...outlining potential changes to my current and revising my current WIP chapters...and simply, not doing anything at all, that relates to writing.


I guess my question to anyone else out there that's had this same problem - what did you do? How did you get your muse back? At this point, I'm open to suggestions...anything to coax my creativity back onto the pages of Word.


And once she's back...well...she better sit down and hang on!

Until next time...

Getting Out of Your Element - FOLLOW UP!!!


As a follow-up to my blog entry on Getting Out of Your Element, back in July - in case you didn't see the season finale of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - a surprise "dance super-star" stepped in to replace Alex Wong as a tribute to his phenomenal "Outta Your Mind" performance.

This. Is. Priceless.

And truly, 100% defines, what it means to get out of your element:

And here's the link to the original Alex and Twitch hip hop routine, if you'd like to see the "real thing".


I know it's hard to sometimes break from the norm - to try something new that might be difficult - and to never give up, when what you're facing is so far out of your element, it's not even funny.


If you aren't a fan of So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD), you might just be after seeing this video clip. 

Alex is currently competing for this year's title and is a classically trained ballet dancer - and he's absolutely amazing to watch in his natural surroundings.  However, what would the show be, if they didn't shake things up a bit?  This week, Alex was paired up with All-Star season 4 - 2nd place finisher, tWitch - who just so happens to specialize in freestyle / hip hop dancing. 

Performing what's known as a Nappytabs hip hop choreographed routine, watch what it truly means, to be out of your element...and what happens, when you actually realize, that you can do anything. 

:  Because of copy right issues, YouTube has been either pulling down all videos or trying to request that the videos only be viewable on YouTube itself (no embedded links allowed).  The link below may or may not work - so if it doesn't, just click on the link in the middle of the YouTube screen below, and it will direct you to the clip.  You can also click on this link, to go directly there YouTube - and you can search by Alex Wong and tWitch for all videos.  Sorry for the run around!

NEWHere is the link to watch Alex perform what is considered, more his "element"'s absolutely beautiful to watch:
UPDATE 7.12: So if any of you are fans of SYTYCD, you know by now, that Alex suffered a major injury to his ACL last week.  As a result, he was automatically placed in the bottom 3 for last week's show, and subsequently, released from the show since his injury will require surgery and months to heal.  What devastating news for someone that would've won it all!  I'm not sure what higher entity keeps pushing Alex away from performing on this show (he was forced to drop out last year, since he wasn't allowed to break his contract with the Miami City Ballet) - but hopefully he will return again next year to take the title that is so well deserved.

From season 7, week 3.
Twitch and Alex dance a Napoleon and Tabitha D'umo choreographed routine
Music: Outta Your Mind by Lil Jon and LMFAO



Getting Out of Your Element

As a follow-up to my blog on Getting Out of Your Element - in case you didn't see the season finale of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - a surprise "dance super-star" stepped in to replace Alex Wong as a tribute to his performance (since he was injured).

This. Is. Priceless.

And truly, 100% defines, getting out of your element:


I know it's hard to sometimes break from the norm - to try something new that might be difficult - and to never give up, when what you're facing is so far out of your element, it's not even funny.

If you aren't a fan of So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD), you might just be after seeing this video clip.

Alex is currently competing for this year's title and is a classically trained ballet dancer - and he's absolutely amazing to watch in his natural surroundings.  However, what would the show be, if they didn't shake things up a bit?  This week, Alex was paired up with All-Star season 4 - 2nd place finisher, tWitch - who just so happens to specialize in freestyle / hip hop dancing.

Performing what's known as a Nappytabs hip hop choreographed routine, watch what it truly means, to be out of your element...and what happens, when you actually realize, that you can do anything. 

:  Because of copy right issues, YouTube has been either pulling down all videos or trying to request that the videos only be viewable on YouTube itself (no embedded links allowed).  The link below may or may not work - so if it doesn't, just click on the link in the middle of the YouTube screen below, and it will direct you to the clip.  You can also click on this link, to go directly there YouTube - and you can search by Alex Wong and tWitch for all videos.  Sorry for the run around!

NEW: Here is the link to watch Alex perform what is considered, more his "element"'s absolutely beautiful to watch:

UPDATE 7.12: So if any of you are fans of SYTYCD, you know by now, that Alex suffered a major injury to his ACL last week.  As a result, he was automatically placed in the bottom 3 for last week's show, and subsequently, released from the show since his injury will require surgery and months to heal.  What devastating news for someone that would've won it all!  I'm not sure what higher entity keeps pushing Alex away from performing on this show (he was forced to drop out last year, since he wasn't allowed to break his contract with the Miami City Ballet) - but hopefully he will return again next year to take the title that is so well deserved.

From season 7, week 3.

Twitch and Alex dance a Napoleon and Tabitha D'umo choreographed routine
Music: Outta Your Mind by Lil Jon and LMFAO