Spring Writing Bootcamp Check-In #12


  1. Bikini Boot Camp Day #9:

    I mentioned in last week's post that I joined the ever-fabulous Jennifer Jordan's For The Glow's Bikini Boot Camp - and yesterday marked the start of week 2! I'm sleeping better, I'm working out 5 days a week, and I'm loving everything that Jenn has slated for us to eat -- which includes my absolute favorite green smoothie, BEE GORGEOUS! This one is SO good, I could actually drink it every morning! For those of you interested, here's the easy recipe:
    1. Handful of greens (I use kale)
    2. 8oz. coconut water
    3. 1 banana (preferably frozen)
    4. 1 tbs. almond butter
    5. 1 tbs. bee pollen
    6. 1 tbs. raw honey
    7. 1 teas. alcohol-free vanilla
    Tip: I'll add a cup of ice if the banana isn't frozen. Blend all until smooth...and ENJOY! **Jenn mentions a good point, please do an allergy test for bee products before consuming!
  2. New WIP NOTG writing goal: 
    Minimum of 10,000 words for the month.
    UPDATE: I put together a play list over the weekend and I love listening to it while I write! Here's a snippet of some of the songs (my favorite is song #3!):
    YA Contemporary: NAME OF THE GAME by Erin L Schneider on Grooveshark 
  3. Continue to read / finish CP's MS!
    UPDATE: Still waiting for a couple of CP's to send over their manuscripts - looks like I'll be getting one of them towards the end of this month and I can't wait!
  4. Host / participate in a Word Sprint or two! 
  5. Cheer on the AWESOME that is Team Rainier!
  6. Read 5 books minimum. 
    UPDATE - THREE books down:
    1. CP Heidi's MS
    2. I finally finished DREAMS OF GODS & MONSTERS by Laini Taylor
    3. I also knocked off Abbi Gline's newest release, RUSH TOO FAR.
    I'm now reading FAR FROM YOU by Tess Sharpe, which I'm really liking. Like A LOT.  
  7. We've only got TWO more weeks of bootcamp left -- what do you have in YOU?