Spring Writing Bootcamp Check-In

Yes, I know it's Tuesday...and I'm a little late checking in.

It's been a crazy few weeks / months, but as of last Friday, things will hopefully begin to settle down a little. Maybe. 

Regardless. I have high hopes for getting some serious writing and reading done. And I've already managed to check off a few things from list of goals!


  1. Work on my new YA Contemporary / Adventure WIP: NAME OF THE GAME (NOTG). 
    UPDATE 4/22: I wrote an entire chapter on Saturday. Not sure where in the story it will go (somewhere up close to the beginning), but I wrote it - and it was so much fun!
  2. Continue to read / finish CP's MS!
    4/22 UPDATE: I'm almost finished with the first pass / read of one of my CP's newest MS's - and I love it - you hear me HS? I LOVE IT! I've got two other CP's that I'm dying to read for (one is a re-read on a story that has been LONG OVERDUE - yes, KFO, I'm talking about YOU! And one CP that I'm finally getting to read an entire story for, for the very first time - yes, BG, that's YOU!).
  3. Host / participate in a Word Sprint or two!
    4/22 UPDATE: Yours truly will be hosting THREE Word Sprints this week: Wednesday - Friday, all of them at 2pm EST. Join me?
  4. Cheer on my fellow Team Rainier writers!
  5. Read 5 books minimum. 
    4/22 UPDATE: So far I've read FEVER and SEVER by Lauren DeStefano, to close out that series - which I thought was okay. I started in on the beast of hardbacks - what is 613 pages of DREAMS OF GODS & MONSTERS by Laini Taylor, and I'm about halfway done. And as mentioned above, I'm almost done with my first pass on a CP's newest MS - so that means I still have ONE more book to finish before this month is done!


  1. NAME OF THE GAME writing goal: minimum of 10,000 words for the month.
  2. Host / participate in a Word Sprint or two! 
  3. Same goal as April, cheer on the awesome that is Team Rainier!


How is everyone else doing? I hope your writing and reading is coming along for the month of April...but not to worry, we still have May ahead of us, too!