Spring Writing Bootcamp: Check-In #1

As part of the YA Buccaneers Spring Writing Bootcamp, I posted my goals here the other day!

Today is the very first Monday check-in and I'm happy to announce:

I've already completed my goal for March!

I know, I know...it's only the 10th of March and I still have 2/3 of the month to go! But, I swear I didn't cheat. Pinky promise I didn't set a lame goal. Because I set this one late last month when I was neck deep in agent / CP revisions and was thinking it would take a lot longer. It's just that everything kind of came together over the past couple of weeks and I was able to push through much faster than expected. I tied up a few loose ends this past week, re-read my MS in it's entirety, and was able to hit send to my agent on Saturday. And man does it feel great!

I won't hear back from her for a couple of weeks, as she has a ton of reading that came in just before mine - but I think I'm okay with that...and I could definitely use the time to maybe relax just a little. Or, yanno, start in on my April goal?

Aside from that, I'm super excited to also share that we've announced the Accountability Teams for our Spring Writing Bootcamp -- and can I just say, I have THE. BEST. TEAM. EV-VER!!!!!! 


Yep, we're Team #2, and we're otherwise known as:

I know I may be biased, but I have no doubt in my mind that this team is going to BRING IT. We've got some lofty goals (okay, some more so than others) and by the time this three months is up, there is going to be some amazing writing by all. I'm already so proud of this team for stepping up to take the challenge, so I know that's only a glimpse into what's to come.

So to all those "other" teams out there...I hope you've got your hiking boots laced up tight -- because you're in for a hike!